This is the page of Jürgen Schöpf. Enjoy the content:

Bibliography Relationships of Speech tone and Music

Playing technique of the Southern African bowed monochord Serankure (or Segaba), 13.11.2017 (PDF)

Soundscape work in Austria — an overview, by J. Schöpf and G. Proy, 2012 (PDF)

Workshop intercultural music education:
Ditlhaka - Southern African pipe alphabet.

Documentation of my guitar making: copying of I. Fleta No. 257 (in German only, 2018/2019, PDF, 35MB)

Documentation Restoration Shield Guitar ("Wappengitarre" by Joseph Hoyer ca. 1900, German comments, 2020, PDF, 7MB)

MOBI-DIG. Mobile Digitalaufnahmen

...still more to come in the future. I also post about Soundscapes on soundcloud and videos about audio technology on Youtube

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IMPRESSUM: Owner of this web site is Jürgen Schöpf, contact: Forststraße 21, 75223 Niefern-Öschelbronn, GERMANY. jDOTschoepfATmusikologieDOTde